The assigned project is a multiplayer game. Can I invite my friends to test the game with me?
You can invite your friends to register as testers on the platform using this link. If their profile matches with the project specifications, they will certainly get selected to play the game.
I have noticed a bug in the game, should I notify it?
At the end of the playtest you will be requested to answer a survey regarding your experience. You can use that survey to report the issues you found while playing.
I could not finish a playtesting session, what should I do?
In case you could not finish the session (your device ran out of battery, you received a phone call, your dog ate your phone in the middle of a playtest…), your session won’t be valid. Depending on the playtest, you might be invited to play again.
No projects were assigned to me yet, why?
There are several reasons that can explain this. Either your user hasn’t been verified yet, or there are no projects matching your profile just yet. Be patient, your time will come!
How long should I play?
The number of sessions to perform, as well as their duration, is indicated in the project instructions. A timer will automatically notify you once you have played the required time.
Will I get compensation for playing?
Once the playtest is assigned to you, information regarding associated rewards is indicated in the project’s description. You can expect to receive experience points and Antidote Coins, that in turn you can exchange for game related rewards! These include gift cards (for Amazon, Steam, etc), tickets to game events, consoles and many others. Read more […]
How do I get selected to play a game?
When developers submit their playtest, they often indicate the type of players they would like to playtest their game. For example: Native english speakers between 18 and 30 years old. Players between 30 and 50 years old who occasionally play puzzle games. If the profile you defined matches with the developers’ indications, we will invite […]
What games will I play?
It will depend on your preferences. Most of the games are for Windows, Android and iOS but other platforms might also eventually come up.
How do I download the Antidote application?
To download Antidote for PC, Mac or Android go to your user menu in your browser and download the app for your platform.
How do I become game tester in Antidote?
You can participate in the development of games by joining Antidote here. You will periodically receive invitations to playtest games of different types and genres that match your interests and get rewards by completing them.