5 Facts about Video Game Events

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Few days ago we talked about How to Maximize the Outcome of Video Game Events, that idea came after having visited some of the most important, local or specialized game events. There are plenty of them and as a next post we wanted to talk about it, About Game Events.

We started thinking about recommending some  events depending on what you look for, but there are so much options that will be, for sure, unfair (unless we build an app adapting a recommendation to each of you, but this is a whole different story).

As always (inherent in all our processes in Antidote) we started gathering data and while exploring it sentences like “did you know that…” or “oh, check this .. ” about the Gaming Events where heard so we decided to share that:

5 Facts you didn't know about Game Events (Facts 100% based on data)

5 Facts about

Game Events

Global Visitors
1 M
Are Big Events
1 %
Events per Day
events are in April
1 %
Average Cost for Studios
$ 1

Before we start let’s remember some numbers about the core of this industry,  Players.

About 30% of the World Population play videogames, that makes about 2,450M Gamers World Wide. Their distribution among type of players (casual vs midcore vs hardcore). Based in our internal numbers and other studies on that there are 1,200M of Casual Players in the World, 850M Midcore Players and 370M Hardcore gamers world wide.

This last year Game events had a global audience of 4.4M a bit more than 0.2% of them.
Why? Location, interest? Maybe with more Online Events (less than 1% yet ) we can see a difference.

As of now Game Events are targeting Hardcore and some Midcore Gamers. That means around 10% of population which is 750M players World Wide.

As always the biggest events gather most of the attention, in gaming this is no different. 60% of the events are small (less than 10,000 visitors) and there are fewer TOP and big events (events that have more than  100,000 attendees), of all events just 7.5% are Big Events the rest are something in between. But as you can expect, those Big events are having the 60% of all Game Events attendees and the 60% of small events are having just 5% of attendees.

Size of the event

Attendees per event

That 7.5% means all those 10/20 events we all heard about of course, but how many Game Events are around? As of now we have a list of about 800 different events and here we could add some smaller events we do not have in our database (actually now I’m thinking on a small event back in September in Barcelona for Indie Studios and no, this event was not in the database). 

Analysing that data another question came to our mind, which are the TOP Events in the World? Turn out that in the TOP 10 World Wide annual events (more than 300,000 attendees), there are 4 events about gaming, not bad…

Based on our data, there must be more than 2 events everyday, but let’s see where and when they are.

As can be seen, most of the registered events are in the USA, of course, if you have info about some World Wide Events we have no identified please share it with us 🙂

Canada, UK and Germany are the other countries with more presence of Game Events.

What about timings? 

20% of events are just 1 Day event, while 30% last for 2 Days and almost 50% of events last 3 or more Days.

And when are they happening? 
Quite similar to economical cycles, December is the worst month, almost no activity and from February to May the activity is bigger. Having April as the most active month. 12% of Game Events are on April. So let’s start the year with full energy to keep closing deals the whole year.

This is the distribution of Game events per Month:

Now that we said economics… how much these events cost?

Exhibit or actively participate in a game event has an average cost of $897 per Game Studios. Of course this cost is very different depending on the event. That way TOP events have a high average cost of $2,640 and smaller ones just $52 per company.

This are just 5 facts we wanted to share with you about Game Events. We gathered all this data analysing what events to go and how worthy they are (this could be material for another post). As usual at the end each even can be interesting to assist depending on which are your goals. Hope that this post helps you to analyse the game events in another way more helpful for you and your studio.

What data was used? Data we already have based on our experience and data from online repositories of game events such as wikipedia,  Events for Gamers,  Video Game Cons, and others.

   Thanks for reading!


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