AI Insights

Transform raw playtest data into instant feedback with AI-powered analysis

Lightning-Fast Insights

Streamline Data Analysis with AI

Swiftly uncover important themes and patterns from your playtest results, saving you valuable time. 

All of that without manually reading or watching countless survey responses and gameplay footage. 

Data Security

Keep Your Data Behind Closed Doors

Your playtest results are stored securely on our private servers. 

We don’t use external AI providers, meaning that your data will never be shared with any 3rd parties. 

Made-to-Order Insights

Focus on What Matters Most

Skip the fluff and get straight to the good stuff.

Ask specific questions and receive the precise insights you’re looking for, making your playtest analysis both quick and relevant.

Join Other Game Studios Getting Actionable Insights From Their Target Audience

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Playtest your game and get insights from players’ right away.


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Book a Meeting

After filling in your email, you’ll be prompted to pick a meeting time.

What will come next?

  • On our first meeting, we will determine how we can help.
  • From there, we will craft a tailored plan for you.
  • And last, we will execute the plan and level up – together.

Can’t wait to meet you!