Your PC Playtesting Platform for Remote and Unmoderated Studies

An image banner showing pc-based playtesting

  Trusted by top studios and publishers worldwide, Antidote has been delivering comprehensive playtesting services for PC and mobile games since 2017. Our continuous innovation and expertise in Game User Research (GUR) have contributed to the success of many renowned titles, providing actionable insights to enhance player experiences. Some of our partners and clients include: […]

Antidote’s Security Measures for Playtesting Your Games

A banner image of the security article

Introduction   At Antidote, securing the intellectual property of your game during playtesting sessions is our number one priority. We recognize the countless hours your team has spent on planning, designing and creating your game, as well as the resources invested to realize the project.  Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that your game’s details are […]

Women in Gaming: Mapping Women’s Territories of Relaxation

We recently asked women in our player community about their experiences with video games, including how they began playing, their other hobbies, and how they balance their obligations with their free time. 405 women from diverse backgrounds, geographic locations and from 16 to 77 YO collaborated in this research. Based on the results, here are […]

How to Lead a Successful Multiplayer Playtest: An In-Depth Guide

A group of gamers playing a multiplayer game

Co-author: Lucila Drughieri, UX Researcher at Antidote   Multiplayer playtesting is a research study that aims to evaluate a game’s social dynamics and overall user experience, focusing on uncovering real player interactions within multiplayer environments. This Game User Research (GUR) method goes beyond assessing basic functionality, ensuring the game mechanics are engaging, balanced and enjoyable. […]

3 Unique Insights That A Full Playthrough Reveals for Your Game

A person playing an entire game from start to finish

Co-author: Theadora Vaxevanou, UX Researcher at Antidote A full playthrough is a Game User Research (GUR) method that involves playtesting your game from start to finish. The aim is to closely observe how players interact with the game’s mechanics, engage with the narrative and perceive the overall gameplay experience. But why should game studios consider […]

Stress Testing in Games: 4 Key Factors You Should Consider

An image of a server for the stress test

  What makes a stress test a non-negotiable step in your game development process? When picturing the ideal game launch, studios often prioritize stunning visuals, gripping narratives, and intuitive in-game mechanics. While these Game User Research (GUR) factors are vital components of a memorable gaming experience, there is often an overlooked element – the assurance […]

Hogwarts Legacy | Antidote UX Review: A Potter-Head’s Perspective

Hogwarts Legacy is the most-watched single-player game on Twitch, breaking records with 1.3 million concurrent viewers. But did it live up to the hype? A Potter-Head shares her perspective on the game’s UX, including its attention to detail, character development, map design, and menus.

Women in Gaming: Girls Just Want To Play!

A hand with red nails holding an Xbox Controller.

An Ongoing Issue   In 2021, a study conducted by Reach3 Insights and Lenovo revealed that 59% of women in gaming from the US, Germany, and China hide their gender while playing to avoid harassment. When asked what type of intimidation these gamers were facing: 70% mentioned comments about their skills 65% referred to gatekeeping […]

Antidote Community: Top Games of 2022

These are the games that the Antidote community enjoyed the most in 2022.

As the year is coming to an end, we gathered the picks provided by you, our players, and were able to make Antidote’s Community 2022 Top 10 Video games! We divided it into 2 lists, because based on our experience, we assumed that not everyone is up-to-date with the latest video games, and sometimes that […]

Dutch Game Day: Antidote’s UX Researcher Perspective

Today we bring you a post from Thea Vaxevanou, UX Researcher at Antidote. She loves Anthropology, Psychology, Films and obviously, games :). Her first console was a PS1 and her favourite games are Red Dead Redemption 2 and Crash. On the 6th of October, I attended the Dutch Game Day (including Dutch Game Awards) at […]

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